Maldivian cuisine: A myriad of rich tastes and flavors

Maldivian cuisine is a rich assemblage of traditional flavors with strong influences from neighboring countries. It offers a wide range of tastes and flavors, guaranteed to take you on a gastronomical journey like no other.
In the past, Maldivians depended on essential ingredients like fish, coconuts and breadfruit and over time, Maldivian cuisine developed a distinctive blend of unique flavors.
It is no surprising feat that most of the Maldivian dishes available are based on two major ingredients and their derivatives; fish and coconut. One of the most popular dishes, “Mas Huni” is a breakfast staple among most locals and quite popular among tourists as well. This is made with fresh tuna, grated coconut, onion, chili and lime and served alongside “Roshi” which is a type of rounded flatbread.
Another crowd-pleaser is “Garudhiya” and “Baiy” which is essentially fish soup and rice. It is eaten throughout the week and served with lime, chili and plenty of other additives. Sometimes fried fish, boiled yam and sweet potatoes and “Theluli Faiy” (fried moringa leaves) are added to bring a more exotic flavor to the table.
“Bon’di Baiy” (sweetened sticky rice) is a common dessert, mostly during festive seasons and the birth of a child. It is accompanied by “Kulhi Mas” (chili fish) and distributed to neighbors, friends and family.
For evening tea, “Hedhi’kaa” (short eats) are a must. Some of the most popular hedhikaa are “Kulhi Boakibaa” (fish cake/pie), “Bajiyaa” (samosa like, but smaller) and “Mas Roshi” (tuna and grated coconut cakes).
Maldivian food is a must-try for whenever you visit the Maldives; it is readily available in all local islands and resorts.